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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bjork - I Don't Know What To Say Lyrics

I don't know what to say
I ponder day and night
it's troublesome at times
to be as popular as I

I'm just a young and simple soul
and doubt still fills my mind
I'd choose by tossing a coin
but the boys I know are three

How can I know what to say
when doubt still fills my soul
I cannot toss a coin
to choose my love as they are three
it's hard to have to say
to this one "yes" or "no"
if I should choose to love all three, I'll end up all alone

I don't know what to say
I think I love that Jón
he dances like an angel
but drives a car like mad

He snores just like a ram
wo I can't sleep a wink
at least, that's what his mama said
and his mama - I'll be damned!

How can I know what to say...

Don't know what to say
I think I do love Geir
he used to whisper, "Listen..."
but never ever more

I kissed him on one night
no - he kissed me, I'll be damned!
then he called out in surprise
"no listen - I just bumped into you!"

How can I know what to say...

I don't know what to say
I think I do love Svein
I never really dare
to be with him all alone

His caresses spark a loving flame
so strange and burning hot
that's what Svana and Gunna say
but I could not say myself

How can I know what to say..

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